Wandsworth Quiet Cycle Routes logoWandsworth Quiet Cycle Routes


  • Initial engagement

    August 2024




    September 2024

    Gather feedback on the general alignment of the routes and the proposed changes we would like to make to these routes.
  • Review responses

    September 2024




    September 2024

    Review feedback received during the initial engagement phase to inform the design of Wandsworth’s quiet cycle route network.
  • Committee decision

    November 2024




    November 2024

    Report to Wandsworth Transport Committee detailing consultation responses and suggesting routes to be taken forward in Phase 1 and Phase 2.
  • Detailed consultation on Phase 1 routes

    November 2024




    December 2024

    Invite responses to the proposed detailed designs for the Phase 1 routes.
  • Wandsworth Transport Committee report

    February 2025




    February 2025

    Report to Wandsworth Transport Committee detailing consultation responses and requesting approval to proceed to construction for Phase 1 routes.
  • Construction of Phase 1 routes

    March 2025




    December 2025

    Implement planned on-the-ground changes to facilitate the delivery of the Phase 1 routes being progressed.
  • Detailed consultation on Phase 2 routes

    November 2025




    December 2025

    Invite responses to the proposed detailed designs for the Phase 2 routes.