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Have your say on the 13 ‘quiet cycle routes' proposed across Wandsworth borough

Wandsworth Council is exploring the design of a new network of ‘quiet’ cycle routes across the borough. The proposed quiet cycle routes will link communities, businesses and destinations across the borough using clearly signed wayfinding. The routes will primarily follow side streets and parks, avoiding busy roads.

The intention is to create easy-to-navigate, safer, and quieter routes that will encourage more people to cycle, especially those who are less confident or comfortable riding in busier urban areas.

You can respond directly to the quiet cycle route consultation and give invaluable localised feedback here.

Cllr Jenny Yates, Wandsworth’s Cabinet Member for Transport, said: “These proposed quiet cycle routes will provide safer and lower-traffic options for cycling, which will help make Wandsworth a more attractive and accessible place to cycle. We really welcome feedback on this consultation and encourage residents across the borough to have their say.”

Posted on 6th August 2024

by London Borough of Wandsworth